Monday, December 14, 2009


Sorry ya people can't online and can't post so many ya anyway yesterday i got pertandingan badminton wow i group with that guy but not i want to choose he just he choose me haha the first round i with my friend i thought that i can win but the sad things is i can't win but i play until i fall down but nvm la i score 17 only my friend score 21 walou why why why like that lolz but nvm la then next round i with the lose person play walou she so good la can't get the ball i so tired and so tired but nvm la be happy and try to win but also lose nvm finally i with the boy group together play badminton and vs other friend haha that time i play until so tired and i so kesian that guy a lot help me in badminton i so thankful to that guy help me until he fall down but than we win in first round then second round can"t win cuz he can't bit anymore but nvm he got number 2 at least he good and i get number 3 so poor things but nvm la

Sunday, November 29, 2009

*C.F Trip*

Huh!!!! finally i can blogging haha anyway went i go to trip i was totally felt was so awesome....but the sad things is my best friend didn't go to the trip with me but she go to china....nvm la i still got friend mah haha lucky i still got Kristine,Ellene,Clara,Jon,stephy and the others haha i so happy anyway went i go to the forest the first time is was totally awesome but the things is went i walk the bridge one by one i felt scared and my legs was like a little bit shaking haha lucky got daniel infront of me he say don't shake and relax la then i was like think back of yeh hoong say.....yeh hoong say don't scared try to relax and pray to god then i walk and walk i pray to god until the end haha time to go to eat le haha the food was so delicous and i enjoyed the food haha after that time to go to rumah hope we play together and we chat together haha then continue later

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So sad la some of my form 5 friends are going hope that we can see one day.I put some form 5 photo here.well i wish them all the best in the exam ya.God bless you all ya.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Yesterday i was so boring my friend didn't come but lucky some of my friend coming.But i and Kristine we talk together and laugh together and we also playing chest but actually i don like to play chest but nothing to do of course la i play chest hehe but suddenly teacher ask the guy to help teacher but the guy say i don want then i say with Kristine can we all go there and help teacher then Kristine say OK then we go to help teacher because i thinking i so long time i didn't help teacher so i go there to help then i help teacher to read out the other class of marks oral test.After we done doing this oral we also help teacher to do the sports marks and i just tick if the people got join all the persatuan or the unit.............but Kristine count the marks for them after that other teacher coming to our class then teacher say i going to eat so you and Kristine help teacher count the marks and tick ok then i say ok.On that time i become very tired and very pening after that we done i think i help teacher is very fun to do it hehe. I like to help teacher in school.

Monday, October 26, 2009

*Shugo Chara*

Hey everyone here i want you all to watch this anime.The guardians' lives have been somewhat quiet lately, as X Eggs have stopped appearing. But just when the gang start to question whether Easter has given up on the fight for the embryo, a new type of X Egg appears and the battle begins once more. Amu has a lot to worry about – not only with the appearance of the new X Egg, but also the anxiety of wondering if Dia will ever hatch! Above all else, will Amu finally be able to choose which guy she truly likes the most?

Every child has an egg in their heart, unseen at first, an egg with the would-be self of their dreams. Hinamori Amu, part of a group called the Guardians, protect those eggs from becoming x-eggs, eggs filled with resentment and resignation that gives children troubles. Amu's job is to capture and restore x-eggs to their orginal form. She does this with the help of her three Shugo Chara (guardian characters or her would be selves), Ran, Miki and Su. Thanks to them she can change her character and abilities, and so fight against the mysterious organization Easter which aim is to find a special egg called Embryo using the x-eggs.


Well i wish my brother will do well in his exam and i wish do all your best in exam hehe hey you all don forget to wish my brother do all Ur best in exam ya!!!And i wish my brother that god will always by your side ya!!!Don forget to do well in your exam and pray to god you will pass your exam ya!!!Well my parent tell me to pray with my brother i will pray with him La.

Lord i pray that yaw yang will pass his exam,
And lord if anything that he don no lord pls,
help him lord in Jesus name i pray amen.

*My Life*

I can felt that if people do mistaken already they cannot correct it forever and if people heart hurt already cannot be a new heart anymore.Now i felt sad even if i think about the sad things again my heart got more painful that i have but on that day i tell all this things to my friend until i cannot tahan anymore i cry until i felt more better actually i want to cry forever and ever but my friend cheer me up already so i stop crying.But now i felt my heart more painful than others i wanted to cry but i don want i just keep it to my heart.Even i think back that things again i will felt more painful than people heart you know.I can felt that my 2009 life is more painful and cannot cheer it up anymore again.And i hope that if i pray to god already i will forget all this things and i will have a new life again.

Lord i pray that i can forget about all sadness,
that i have lord,
And lord help me lord to forget about this things lord,
Lord i hope that i can be happy again lord,
Lord pls help me lord to forget all about this sad things lord,
And my heart will not felt painful lord pls lord in Jesus name i pray amen.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Anyways today i got cough and cough and make my voice pain and change i wanted to sing song also cannot but i can try to sing song because sing song is my favourite so i will try my best to sing song.I hope that god will help me to sing song and i hope that god will always bless me when ever i got sick.

Lord i pray that i can sing song again,
and i can get back my voice lord pls,
help me lord in Jesus name i pray amen.


I don no why he sometimes make me break heart but actually i don like him but sometimes that i can felt that i like him and sometimes i can think that i like him forever. I also don no why!!!! he just like my last times boy that i like.Like i felt just the same thing lolz.I also don no why!!!lolzzz.he also not that i like that boy.lolz.but never mine la just forget about it don think of he too much later...............

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

*Sad story and also about last last time story*

I don no why today i felt like so touch!!! after i hear my song!!!well at home study and study Zzz but my second brother like to buli me ah!!!i don like it!!!pls stop it i don like people everyday buli me but my first brother don like to buli me but sometimes i felt boring i buli my brother but is fun hehe just my second brother like a child Zzz he like to fight with me!!!pls stop it!!! but sometimes my sister like to copy my second brother what my second brother doing but last time i don have much friend but all my friend bad too me i always get buli from my friend Zzz i hate this but i think after i going to form 1 maybe i got much good friend but now i got good friend hehe i so happy now!!!!But last time you all want to know why i in lick hung only two years because i in 1A that time a lot of people buli me!!but went i tell my teacher she don care of me but if they buli me i buli back!!!Everyday!!!I cannot tahan already but every time i in the car my mother ask me got people buli me or not then i didn't say anything!!!On that time i felt like wanted to cry so i don have say anything!!!i just tahan!!!!Then i in standard 2 they also buli me then my mother know already my mother help me to pindah and go to other school that school is sekolah kebangsaan SS17.I hate that school lar pls lar i don want to go back that school anymore my life just like stupid lar zzzzzz stop it pls!!!!And i also hope that god will always bless me whenever i got problem and i can fit it myself!!!

Zzz that day i having a fever and i also having a flu but make me felt uncomfortable everyday night when i was sleeping the flu make me hard to breathe lolz but now i don have already fever but i have flu Zzz.I also don no went the flu don have Zzz.

Friday, October 9, 2009

*In the tuiton time*

Stupid lar today the guy in my tuition he always talk bad things about me i so sad lar but i didn't fight back with him but sometimes got lar!!but he say other guy bad word you know the guy say what he say i and he are boy friend and girl friend but where got lar but you know he say what he say with me that you look at the mirror lar your face he say that i am dam ugly but i fight back i say you look your face at the mirror first that i will look but he say that i dam ugly and stupid but i fight back i say you say me stupid you stupid lar Zzz.Then the next Friday he say bad word again with the other boy but the boy say the same things to him i getting very angry but i can tahan!!!! But i felt like i want to slap the boy face then my heart will felt better again!!He always say bad word to me but when he don have bring book you think who borrow to him of course lar me because i saw he very kesian then i borrow him lar.But actually i can don borrow him because he always buli me but i think i forgave him lar so i borrow him i also don want to be bad people i want to be a good person.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

OK i open my blog to all of you to felt sad because so many things have happen and when i sleep in midnight i dream a lot of scary things in my dream i also don no why!!!!Zzz

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stupid lar yesterday went i study my litte sister making a lot of noise until i cannot study Zzz making me headache.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stupid lar yesterday have to go tuition and tuition and what lar!!!! morning tuition and night tuition and what again lar and some more homework and homework and what lar!!!!stupid lar i wanted to cry out but cannot lar i wanted to scream but cannot lar i don no what happen to me!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hey everyone i am back,

I was going to my church camp at melaka it was great.But it is Chinese.So long time i don have join Chinese church.The first time i saw my old friend on the Chinese church they miss me.They ask me how are you today then i say i am fine thank you.They say i become very pretty then i say where got!!!!They thought me to go back to my Chinese church.The room are far away from my parent i have to go to the lift go up and down to my room.Aiyoh i was very tired of that.At night i cannot sleep i watching television until i can sleep.One time i was a one person inside the lift then the lift go to the one there i saw inside was very dark and i saw the man he want to go inside and i thought he was a ghost and he was not a ghost he say nvm that time i was going down to the G. Finally!!!.

Monday, August 24, 2009


SYATP is awesome and it was great not all my friend is coming but... during break i and my friend are eating and we talking about something lar.And the amazing race is awesome and i like it. We have to memerise the number and we have to find the game at where!!!And also we nid to find people so hard. We also have to catch that person.It make me so tired. But it was fun haha.And i took some picture of my team haha

Friday, August 21, 2009

So sad lar today my friend all not coming to school. I so lonely lol in rehat i sit a lonely lucky got Heidi only ha ha. And lucky Jonathan and his friend come to talk with us i so happy ha ha. I never have a guy friend is very good. This is the first time. I so happy today ha ha. Lucky the rehat is form 1 and form 2 are same rehat ha ha i so happy.

Hey everyone miss me!!!

Today i was flu and i was felt not uncomfortable so i was rest and take medicine after that i was woke up i felt better a lot thanks for god lucky not fever.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey everyone you know what yesterday i was sleeping like 11.30 something until 12.50 something than i was dreaming the dreaming is i saw one guy and the other guy was fighting than i try to stop them.Then i say if you don stop fighting i will slap your face or bit you.Then they don care i talking what then i was getting very angry i was slap two guy face.Then they was stop fighting.Then the other guy go away.Then i was ask that guy why you fight with your friend then he told me everything about it and he told me don say to everyone.After that the guy suddenly gave me a..........stupid things and gave me a .............stupid things.And i also cannot believe that.But than after that i feeling like got people call me woke up then i was woke up that is my big brother calling me up.Then i ask my brother why you ask me to woke up then he say my father was coming back then i go down and see don have lar.Then my brother say that he was lie me.Then i say to my brother why you call people woke up people was very tired.Then my brother say i don have eat lunch at all so you was very sleepy.Then i don care.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So boring today the geografi i hate it.I hate to do geografi project Zzz but also nid to do lol .........Sorry i post very short.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sorry everyone i late post. Anyway that day Wednesday it was my birthday i was so happy.Thank you for the people who wish me on my birthday or who wish me late i also accepted.Thank You for everyone that wish me.And i also gave Thanks for


cause they gave me present.Thank you my friend that gave me present. I was so happy.And i also thanks for my family that who buy the cake for me.The cake was so nice and i also thanks for my family that celebrate with me on my birthday.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hey everyone i so happy next week wednesday is my birthday hope that i have a nice choclate cake and enjoyed myself i so happy now. But than i now i know a lot of friend i so happy now. They such a good friend.i was so happy.

Friday, July 31, 2009


On that day our class was having a party for miss kokila it was fun at least we got eat pizza and cake such a nice food that we eat.we also got jelly and some of the junk food and the chicken we also got drinking such as strawberry and other. we had enjoyed ourself and we so happy i will never forget about this and we will still remember until fovever.After we eating we have a great game boy one group and girl one group we have to pass the thing until teacher say stop than the people will come out and guess things. it was really fun and such a great game that we have.Hope that we enjoyed ourself.

See you at the pole

Hey everyone are you mad. Yes you are.Hey everyone so you come lar "see you at the pole".Don forget to come bye see you there.