Monday, January 11, 2010

*First time of school*

Wah i wearing my new baju kurung haha but so so hot hot lol but my bf saw i wearing baju kurung she like wah wah nice leh you wearing baju kurung lol but actually i think is ok not like very nice lah but people see they say nice leh lol haha thx to you all anyway that time i was very scared i change class or what??? that time but lucky i class in 2 omega same with my bf together we was so so happy totally haha but i taught that i will not the same class with my bf but but suddenly we same class wah wah i was like so so happy haha but the sad things is i will be not same class with my other friend they stil in the same class in 2 gamma lol but i wish they all will have a happy day everyday ya haha