Tuesday, October 13, 2009

*Sad story and also about last last time story*

I don no why today i felt like so touch!!! after i hear my song!!!well at home study and study Zzz but my second brother like to buli me ah!!!i don like it!!!pls stop it i don like people everyday buli me but my first brother don like to buli me but sometimes i felt boring i buli my brother but is fun hehe just my second brother like a child Zzz he like to fight with me!!!pls stop it!!! but sometimes my sister like to copy my second brother what my second brother doing but last time i don have much friend but all my friend bad too me i always get buli from my friend Zzz i hate this but i think after i going to form 1 maybe i got much good friend but now i got good friend hehe i so happy now!!!!But last time you all want to know why i in lick hung only two years because i in 1A that time a lot of people buli me!!but went i tell my teacher she don care of me but if they buli me i buli back!!!Everyday!!!I cannot tahan already but every time i in the car my mother ask me got people buli me or not then i didn't say anything!!!On that time i felt like wanted to cry so i don have say anything!!!i just tahan!!!!Then i in standard 2 they also buli me then my mother know already my mother help me to pindah and go to other school that school is sekolah kebangsaan SS17.I hate that school lar pls lar i don want to go back that school anymore my life just like stupid lar zzzzzz stop it pls!!!!And i also hope that god will always bless me whenever i got problem and i can fit it myself!!!